Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Let It Be Written, Snow Let It Be Done!

We did indeed arrive home safely last night after our harrowing escape from commuter traffic. Sally greeted us with a wonderful meal, the dogs were ecstatic, all was right as rain. Today was brilliant and flooded the house with light and warmth. The comforts of home were all Orion needed to finish his history paper and after a little editing suggested by Rachel, he sent it off. A Huge accomplishment and one of the three tasks that Swarthmore has set before him this spring.

He announced that his hair was falling out and he wanted another amateur barbering job from me, his personal attendant. He may as well have been Yul Brynner in The Ten Commandments or perhaps another favorite, The King and I.

While he finished his paper I clambered out on to the porch roof to shovel snow like every other poor home owning slob in New England. I always see these things as a poor man's stress test. No chest pain? No collapse? Okay, you are good for another 12 months. It is true that when I climbed back in through Orion's bedroom window I fell head and knee first onto the floor. No I don't swear as Rachel would have you believe, but rather a little polite "oh dear" flits from my lips as I lay crumpled on the floor.

And something silly- a person called from MGH's Proton Therapy Center to ask for an email address so they could send information on neurology baseline assessments. What arrived was a fat MS Word document with an appointment. Does anyone value their time? I do.


  1. Steve you look like a Santa Christmas decoration. Fun!


  2. That picture of Orion makes me think of Colonel Kurtz.

  3. So, it is Rachel that suffers Tourette's Syndrome? I'll give you the polite "oh dear" because you arrived back to the comforts of your home but.....COL (chuckling out loud) I've heard a few GD's in my day from you.
