Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Crimes of Nature

So this time in the clinic they put Orion in what they call the New England room or even the New Hampshire room. NOT. Look carefully and you will see Sugar Maples and Brown bears. Cannot happen in this world! Also the puddle birds, mallards and canada goose are unlikely in a fast moving stream. And WHAT mountain is that? Matterhorn? Sigh. I am on a busman's holiday.


  1. I cropped the mountain out. Trust me, no such place in New England.

  2. Just a reminder that you are not in the real world.
    Linda T.

  3. Even in fantasy land Orion looks very handsome. The Yule Brenner look is very good on him. :-)

  4. Creative license, or ignorance. Steve is smart. It's still a pretty mural. Perhaps they need my company's murals??!!
