Thursday, January 27, 2011

Orion at work on a snow day

Here is Orion working on his history paper about changing views on cigarettes over time as presented in newspapers. The rest of the world here is shut down from another snowfall. We looked out our window facing the parking lot and Rte. 28 and it looked like an inch or so. Going out the front however I found my car buried in a drift which I had to clear with a brush. My feet are soaked but I am happy to be sitting at Orion's back while he taps away, back on track for his Swarthmore Commencement after a month of surgical and chemical induced brain fog.


  1. Dang! I wish my hair would grow that fast. Thinking of you Mr. O. :-)

  2. I thought that class sounded amazing, I would love to hear what O thinks about the newspaper coverage.
