Monday, January 10, 2011

The game is afoot

I am sitting in the MRI waiting room. Orion has just gone in, much earlier than the 5 pm that he was scheduled. How could this happen? Our chief neurologist, Fred Hochberg got impatient with the progress and picked up the phone. So far today we have been told terrible and ugly things that were coming but also told that Orion would get cured and regain all mental acuity. While not diminishing the difficulties of what is ahead in the next few months he was told to expect to be able to go to grad school in August.

When asked about his mental state Orion said "I am all right, I am just letting it wash over me like some great wave".

So lots of blood drawn, MRI, possible baseline hearing tests, spinal tap for CSF, trip to NYC for consultation. A long day and evening ahead.


  1. Wow...Orion is still dazzling them with his wit and genius after brain surgery and all of you seem to be handling the daunting treatments ahead with courage, humor and hope. I not only love you all, but admire you as much now as ever. You are all amazing! As always, keeping you in my thoughts.

  2. I echo the thoughts of the "other Marsha."
    Best wishes to all and hope you feel strengthened by all of our support.

  3. Let me add my echo to the previous postings, as well as sending my love and support to you all during the next few months. I only know Orion through your words, but may I say to both of you, what a job well done! He is amazing indeed.
