Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Mitzvah

We headed out after lunch for a walk, veering right as we have been doing to walk counter clockwise around the Dreck Mall when I suddenly stopped and said, no let's go clockwise this time. Not a hundred feet later was a damsel in distress! Golden tresses had she and her car, a black late model, perhaps the last model of a lincoln Town Car, were behind the Christmas Tree Shops. She explained that she had locked herself out, purse, cell phone and two miniature poodles, Duffy and Tiger, locked inside. It was twenty degrees and a stiff wind blew. Of course we stopped. The owner of the car was visiting his sister at MGH. Using my cell she called for the key code to get back in. He did not answer. We suggested calling MGH but she could not remember the patients name, room, floor or building. We moved on to calling AAA auto club. Orion was getting chilled so I sent him and Sally off while I stayed with Goldilocks. Eventually AAA agreed to send a truck even though her membership had expired. As soon as that was settled and we settled in to wait fifteen minutes with now frantic dogs beginning to understand their plight, her friend called with the code. 9479321684. No. 9473921684. Yes. The doors opened, the dogs lunged, she pushed the doors shut and I jammed cold stiff fingers into the door to stop them from locking. Now safe, she asked me about us and I told her about Orion. She slumped against the car holding her chest. She said "in fifteen years you will remember this because the angels made you turn and help. Now, I and all my friends will pray for Orion and he will be saved".

I thanked her and packed her and the dogs off. As they drove away, the trunk popped open and I quickly dashed into the mall to find Orion and Sally.

1 comment:

  1. well , I guess the fun never stops for the Sauter-Waisbrot Boston tour? Can't hurt. All prayers and good energy directed your way from here too.

    Love to Orion and you guys:
    Paul & Annie
