Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Kid is Okay!

I know it gets worrying when I do not post but we are home now in Ashfield, between chemotherapy cycles, and it is a relief to pretend the last four months never happened. Orion is feeling good, looking good. His hair continues to leave him however. He is now nearly eyebrow-less and I suspect his arm hair is gone as well. A naked mole rat with a healthy complexion.

We will return to Boston on Monday for his last cycle of chemicals and the prep work for radiation.

Meanwhile he is enjoying being home and is just finishing up his final paper for his final Swarthmore class, Counter factual History. He also is enjoying his new blog on explaining everyday phenomena through the lens of physics, or Fundamental Forces

1 comment:

  1. it is amazing to me that I get nervous when you do not write. I am so glad he is doing well. I think I met him when he was about 12 when we were in the masters class and I was at your house. seems like yesterday. I am retired now but think of you. dicks dad is now 94 and in a nursing him (remember him?) You gave me, Cal, Dick, Donny, and Dick's dad a day at Amherst College laying on the floor looking at the skies. Anyway, I so want all to turn out well for Orion and all of you. So far, so good.
