Monday, April 4, 2011

Heading back Up

Once again Orion's body, with a little help from his new friend Neulasta, has responded and turned his blood counts back. His white blood cells jumped to 32,000 over the weekend, raising eyebrows at the clinic.

I asked the good Doctor Ebb for a simple status report and he said what I wanted to hear - Orion is doing great and there are no concerns. He does not expect much change on Thursdays MRI and does not need more blood until next week at cycle five.

Then we headed down to the basement to the Proton Center to see Dr. Shannon MacDonald, the radiation oncologist. She too called the last MRI a complete response and saw no reason why the planned proton beam therapy would be delayed and that he is on schedule for having daily radiation for six weeks starting June 6 through July 16. this gives him six weeks of rest before classes start.


  1. Outstanding news! Just curious--what will be radiated if everything has been "killed" by the chemo?

  2. Cruising by Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, a swording detour into M-42, then on down to Rigel, and 21 Orionis arrives Saiph at home with tales to inspire us wondering mudders...Per Aspera Ad Astra!....Best regards, DW.
