Sally has written it before, no news is good news. Today Orion started Chemo cycle FIVE out of six. If you are counting, that is one more than Lance Armstrong. He feels good. We spoke with Dr. Ebb today who is encouraged by Orion's response to chemo and the tumor's response to the terrible chemicals as well. Orion has done well, the cancer not. Tomorrow Orion's response is the subject of Grand Rounds at the hospital where the best and brightest will discuss his results and tweak the final leg of his war with the cancer. Dr. Ebb and DR. Macdonald think we are on track for a cure and a timetable that will put Orion at Swarthmore Commencement at the end of May and at Orientation at Michigan in late August for the Physics PhD program.
So more on Thursday when he finishes the last Carboplatin/Etoposide duet and recovers for the next two weeks before the final round.
At the clinic today we were offered two wonderful seats to the Red Sox match against Tampa Bay. We sat right on the third base foul line and sure enough a ball came screaming right us, caught by four lovely young women in the seats to our right. We also had fun with a drunk from North Providence who brought a 12 ounce bottle of vodka and then added on a few beers. A cheery lad. A crazed ride home on the T and to bed.
Did the 4 women have 4 baseball gloves on? Good thing that ball didn't hit one of you in the head! I imagine going to the game was a fun break. If it weren't for all of the appointments and chemicals, you too have had quite a fun vacation from "real life"!