Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again!

Here is my Prince once again in Ellison for his last chemotherapy cycle, number six. We started this morning at Yaukey for the. Blood count letting. Once again his numbers were perfect. No transfusions to date, no delays in the PLAN. This session is five long days of hydration, ifosmaside, Etoposide, Mesna, and more hydration. Unending fluids running through his poor veins and arteries.

If it were not so awful this would be routine.

The big event of the day is that he heard in real time that his final Swartmore professor was walking his final college grade over to the registrar's office. The dean wrote to Orion "congratulations, you did it, you are done!". Just now, from his bed, he saw the grade on his transcript. He has managed to keep his stellar average.

We have a busy week ahead with some important appointments coming up on Thursday and Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Sending Orion my best wishes from Berlin. Will be counting down the days with you all, and congratulations on the upcoming graduation and the fellowship!! Wow, what a guy.
