Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Blues

I was just sitting with Orion in the Founder's MRI waiting room for his post fourth cycle scan. The waiting room was hot and airless. We were told to arrive at 12:10 but found a sign that the receptionist would not return until 12:30. She showed up with an immense slice of cake and proceeded to eat it and sing the blues between mouthfuls. A pretty fetching voice and soulful sentiments. The phone rang and she gruffly answered with a rude "what?". After chatting with an adult aged child for ten minutes she decided to tell the radiologist that Orion was ready. They came by and got him ten minutes later. As soon as he left I ran outside to sit in the sun by the 1811 original MGH building to wait.

We have been cleared to head home for the weekend and so we will amble down to South Station to catch one of those buses named after clocks, crocs, and smocks.

Next Tuesday he starts chemo number five. He is feeling good.


  1. What's your secret for not bristling at the unnecessary delays and the rude, indifferent behavior of the worker in the airless waiting room? Such behavior always bothers me. How much better it would be if appointments could start on time and all staff were personable and focused on the people they are there to serve. From the sound of your posts, most people you have come into contact with through this journey have been worthy of their jobs/nice to interact with. I have thought you lived on a different planet than I until today's post. Enjoy your "free" weekend! Orion's response to treatment is making this all look easy.

  2. Glad to hear that you got a weekend reprieve and a nice one at that! It is good to hear that Orion continues to do well.
    Best wishes, Anne & Mike

  3. When are we having cannollis at Mike's Pastries?
