Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Laugh till you die, I mean cry

Have you ever read Wonkette? Try it at Wonkette.com Dear son-in-law Dave put us onto it. An irreverent political blog. I was just reading it out loud to Orion and Sallly and started spiting out my nose. Sally took over and Orion caught the moment, eyes clamped shut, shoulders heaving, face turning red. Suddenly his ICP went crazy sending alarms ringing all over the ICU. His nurse appeared and was merely amused. Once we stopped reading Wonkette things quickly returned to normal. The lesson? NO laughing ever again.

As far as the day's promises go only the Cat Scan has happened.


  1. Good thinking. Definitely wouldn't want you laughing.

  2. This bit of ICU humor is a good sign that you can breath again, so to speak. I am relieved to see it and know that you are optimistic and positive about the outcomes, one three letter acronym at a time.:-)
