Sunday, May 8, 2011

End of Chemotherapy!



Orion finished his sixth and final course of chemotherapy last night and his wonderful blood work allowed him to be released from Ellison 18 today. This evening I will inject his final dose of Neulasta and we will hide out at the Beacon Hill apartment until he hits bottom and makes the return. Three weeks to Swarthmore Commencement and four weeks to his date with accelerated protons.


  1. Congrats to all three of you on completing this part of the journey. Excelsior!

  2. Great news! Have fun with those protons, Orion.

  3. Hurray! A great and welcome milestone. May he never go near any of those chemicals again!

    Linda T

  4. I marvel that the timing is as it is for graduation. Have a blast at graduation--all of you! Does Orion have any plans for lettering on his mortarboard?

  5. Thank goodness that phase has ended. may the force be with you for your proton ride.

  6. Mazel tov! Or, as they say in the old country, "that sucked."
