Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Proton therapy

This is how Orion is spending his summer between Swarthmore and the University of Michigan. The plank he is on moves forward while the proton beam is diverted from the cyclotron and follows his spine.

He is on his chest, face in a rigid mask that was made for him. His back is marked up each day for alignment with different color markers. Sort of like a tattoo convention attended by idiots. That spout on the left is the proton nozzle and is rotated up over him when the beam is ready. Then his plank moves forward toward the center of the donut enclosure.

1 comment:

  1. How long does each day's dose take? Does Orion have time left to do other things? Is he feeling OK, or does this treatment also make him weak and sick, like chemo? Hope you are all holding up well through this!
