Friday, November 11, 2011

Everything is Still Fine

So I made the mistake of saying I would post again in mid-October. I did not. Time seems to have slipped it's bounds and we are in November. Orion is still fine, fatigued and a little dispirited but he is hanging in midway through his first semester at the University of Michigan studying physics for a PhD.

He has taken his midterms and his professors assure him he is doing fine even though he feels, for the first time in his life, challenged. He enjoys his new friends, the campus, the shopping at the farmer's market and his apartment. He has even signed his lease for the 2012-13 year.

It has been a pleasure to be able to video chat with him and see that he is fine and that his hair grows back slowly but surely. Sally and I will be heading out to see him for Thanksgiving and we will be able to report from Ann Arbor.

He is a tough man.


  1. Not so tough that your writing doesn't bring a tear to my eye, though.

  2. Me too. But I'm glad to have the update. We'll be thinking of all of you during the Thanksgiving holiday. Love -
